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So, in Urdu English, I can say that Easyloan Pakistani k liye teez our asaan online App hai ye financial category ki shekel ma Ek mashaoor mobile credit loan App hai. Sareyfeen Kisi Bhi Waqt, kahein bh, 50,000 rupees tak ka personal credit loan k liye darkhawasat de skate hain barwaqt sarefeen ko serif zati malumat bherne ki zarorat hai. Dastawezaat Jama karwane our Manzoori k 5 mint k ander bank account ma qraz diya Jaye ga. License security and exchange commission of Pakistan (SECP) ki traf se jari kia jata hai. So, it is Fast, small loans. Paying on time gives access to more significant amounts of loans. Helps improve bad credit history/score. Transparent and reliable.

The Features of EasyLoan Personal Loan Online of Qraz ki malummat:
Easyloan ka intikhab q karein?:
- Easyloan ek fori online nagad qraza ki darkhawast hai, kisi bhi waqat , kehi bhi 7*24 qraz hasil karein. darkhawast k kameyab hone k bade ,nagad raqam fori tor p ap k bank account ma muntaqil kr de jaye ge,apne qaroobar ko bahter bananey, mali masail sa chutkarah pane aur qaroobar ko bharhane ma 5mint sa bhi kam waqat lage ga. chayhein apne qaroobar bharhayein ya dusorun ki mali imdad karna ho barwaqt.
- Easy loan 100%mobile online amal, Kam sa Kam waqat dastawezat our teez Tareen Amal k sath.
- Easyloan ek zadya raqam ,kam sood ,gher mafooz credit loan product hai , adaegi ka daboa bhi kam hai.
- Sarefeen ki hefazat aur raazdari ki hefazaat. apki malumat ka istamal srif apki zati qraz ki darkhawast aur billing k liye rabety ki tafseelat ki tasdeeq k liye kia jata hai.ham apki malumat ko barqarar rakhne k liye mukhtalif khufeyah qari aur tahafuz k usool istmal karte hain.haam apki rezamandi k bager apki malumat kisi tesaray fardeh k sath share nhi kareingay.
- Bar waqat aadaegi raqam ma izafa kar sakhti hai.
- Ap qraz ki Adaegi JazzCash, Easypaisa, Easypaisa our dagher app sa far skate hain. Barwaqt.raqam udhar lane k lia app download karein fori masail ka fori hal , pakistan ma kisi bhi waqat
- kehi bhi dasteyab hai.
- Qraz ki mudat 365 din.
- Qraz ki raqam 10000-50000 rupee.
- Yearly loan interest 10.95%.
- Service charges 500 rupee for Example agar qraz ki raqam 10000 rupee hai jis ki mudaat 120 di hai.
Qraz fee ki detail:
- 10,000 rupee.
- Interset 10,000 rupee* 10.95% /365* 120=Rs 360.
- Loan term: 120 din.
- Ziada se ziada salana feesad sharah (APR): 24% fe saal.
Repayment Plan:
- Total repayment amount =loan amount * loan term * annual interest rate / 365 days + loan amount.
- Total repayment amount = Rs 10,000 * 120 * 10.95% / 365+ Rs 10,000 = Rs 10,360
- Monthly repayment amount = (loan amount * loan term * annual interest rate / 365 days + loan amount) / loan term * 30
- Monthly payment = ( Rs 10,000 * 120 * 10.95% / 365+ Rs 10,000 ) / 120 * 30 = Rs 2,590
- Total Interest Payment = Loan Amount * Loan Term * Annual Interest Rate / 365 days.
- Total interest payment = Rs 10,000 * 120 * 10.95% / 365 = Rs 360
Qraz ki zaruriyaat:
- Age 21-52 years.
- Pakistani shehri.
App istmal karne ka tariqah:
- Playstore sa Easyloan app install karein.
- Apne mobile phone sa account register karein.
- Apne zatti malumat fill karein.
- Nazar e sanii karein.
- Qraz ki raqam fori tor per ap k bank account ma jama kar diya jaye ga.