SQL Backup Master Free Download 6.4.628 Free Off-Site SQL Backup Software Full Version For Windows Free Download. SQL Backup Master backs up your SQL Server databases to any number of popular cloud storage services such as Dropbox, OneDrive, Amazon S3, Microsoft Azure, Box, Google Cloud Storage, Backblaze B2, Google Drive, IDrive e2, and more. It can also back up databases to an FTP server – or a folder, network server, or storage device. So, download Free SQL Server backup software now. As we know that, Backing up your SQL Server databases to the cloud shouldn’t be complicated or expensive. SQL Backup Master provides an easy way to upload your database backups to one (or multiple) cloud storage services. It also offers compression, encryption, scheduling, recovery, reporting, and notification services – so that you can stop worrying and get back to business. Storing SQL Server database backups in the cloud is a smart and convenient way to protect your valuable data from risk. Leverage the power of modern cloud storage to maximize availability, reliability, scalability, and simplicity all while keep costs to a minimum. Also, check out SQLite Expert Professional Full Version.
SQL Backup Master Crack Screenshots:
SQL Backup Master has become one of the most popular SQL Server database backup solutions available in the world. Version 6 is another huge step forward in our mission to make safe, reliable, off-site SQL Server backups available to everyone. SQL Backup Master 6 provides new insights into your SQL Server backup operations by introducing powerful reporting capabilities. With these reports, you can quickly assess the status of backup jobs, verify database backup coverage goals, validate resource availability, and much more. The screen capture below shows the new Reporting tab of the SQL Backup Master main window. All reports are available for viewing by everyone, with no licensing required. SQL Database Backup Reporting. The report viewer (shown below) is loaded with powerful features, including support for printing, exporting, and searching report contents. Export formats include PDF, TIFF, RTF, and more. Database File Size Report Pro edition licensees can also schedule the creation and delivery (via email) of any available report. 
Scheduled reports can be delivered via email, saved to the file system, or both. They can also recur on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. Scheduled database report editor. SQL Backup Master 6 introduces support for sending database backup notifications through Webhooks. Webhooks offer a simple method of notifying third parties when something interesting happens. The integration potential is nearly endless, with built-in templates for sending notifications to Slack, MS Teams, PagerDuty, and Discord. Backup notifications via webhooks. SQL Backup Master makes several variables available for use in your Webhook message body, allowing them to be customized. You can even specify custom HTTP headers if needed. SQL Backup Master 6 adds a new dark green theme. It also dynamically adapts product icons based on whether a light or dark theme is in use. Many other UI improvements are also present. SQL Backup Master 6 provides full HTTP proxy support across all program features (update checks, etc.) and applicable backup destinations (S3, Dropbox, Google Drive, etc.).

Users can now decide which backup types (e.g. full, differential, transaction log) are processed by a given backup destination. For example, you may want your Dropbox backup destination to only store full backups (while ignoring diff and log backups). We’ve also expanded backup destination pruning to be more granular it’s now possible to specify the purge time in days, hours, or both. Backup destination configuration. Previous versions of SQL Backup Master offered the ability to export and re-import backup jobs. Version 6 expands this capability to include global configuration and scheduled reports. This improvement allows the configuration export and re-import process to cover important global settings affecting backup jobs (e.g. mail server, webhook, and HTTP proxy configuration). SQL SERVER 2022 SUPPORT. SQL Backup Master 6 offers early support for SQL Server 2022, which is in public preview at the time of this writing. We will continue to validate new SQL Server 2022 builds and ensure interoperability upon general release. So, if you need this software for your Windows then follow below link and downloa dit.
The Features of SQL Backup Master For Windows Free Download:
- Supports full, differential, and transaction log backups
- Simple yet powerful backup job scheduling
- Built-in email notifications for backup job successes, failures, and warnings
- Back up to local folders, network folders, or attached storage devices
- Back up to FTP servers with first-class FTP, SFTP, & FTPS support
- Back up to Dropbox, Google Drive, Box, Amazon S3, OneDrive, & Azure
- Compress and encrypt valuable database backups
- Runs automatically in the background as a system service
- Powerful, intuitive backup logging and log viewer
- Provides easy-to-use database backup recovery support
- Automatically purge backups older than a specified time frame
- Execute custom SQL and batch scripts before and after backups
- Added the ability to sort backup jobs by custom sort index.
- Improved integration with SQL Server’s native backup compression feature.
- Added the ability to specify mail server configuration globally, with optional per-job override.
- Updated communications libraries for S3, Box, Dropbox, and Google Drive storage services.
- Backup and Restore toolbar is now consumes less vertical space.
- Improved error handling for backup destination module loading.
- Migrated to latest Azure Storage SDK (previous SDK is deprecated).
- Added helpful startup information to the Recovery Explorer window.
- Improved enabled/disabled state representation for backup destinations.
- Increased the zip compression chunk size for better performance with large files.
- Added global option that allows for disabling of automatic crash reporting.
- Added an option for terminating existing database connections during restore.
- Improved backup job status logic to include notification failure states.
- Custom email notification subject line no longer requires product license.
- Numerous error and informational logging improvements.
How to Download and Install SQL Backup Master Professional on Windows:
- First, follow the download button below and shift to the download SQL Backup Master page.
- Where you can download SQL Backup Master software via the Torrent link.
- After downloading, please install SQL Backup Master setup into your Windows.
- After that, your software will be ready for use.
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